Thursday, October 23, 2008

Left Wing Election

Okay Boys and Girls it's been a while since my last post, and the reason for that is that i wanted to give it a couple of months and see where we were at in the Election process. And go figure, it's a cluster f---.
Since i vented last we've had several economic crashes, three debates that totally answered no questions, but did confirm some. What did we confirm? That Barrack Obama, I won't even call him a Senator since you have to actually GO to the Senate to be a Senator, is buying this election and the left wing media is helping him acheive this goal. Any normal citizen of this great country who watches nighttime political coverage on NBC, MSNBC, or any Hollywood backed sitcom can see the bias for Obama. Just last night i watched Hardball with Chris Matthews and he had a Senior policy adviser for McCain on, a female, and a adviser for Obama, a male. In this interveiw or i should say the most one sided rant i've ever seen on a political show. The first topic was over Gov. Palins wardrobe and it's cost. REALLY?, of all the crap that's going on in this country right now you really think this is news worthy? I don't care how much her wardrobe costs everyone who has a brain knows that all Politicians wear expensive suites and clothes. We see them every day when we see them on television, so whats your point Matthews. Second, they were grilling this woman on Gov. Palins interveiw where she tried to explain the Vice-Presidents job. Granted She did come across as one not knowing exactly the true Constituitonal definition of that role. When asked the qeustion on why Gov. Palin described the job role that way, the McCain adviser could barely awnser the question over Matthew's bloviating and one sided retoric. The Obama adviser just sat there smilling knowing that his candidate is in good hands with MSNBC.
Thats just a drop in the ocean of political bias shown by NBC and it's affiliates. Keith Olberman who i just love as a sports anchor doesn't even try to hide his one sided love affair. And what's up with Olberman continually attacking Bill O'reilly. Every time i try to watch Countdown I can't get past the fact that almost EVERY night he has some jab to take at O'rielly. Anchor Envy anyone?

The financial crisis that is engulfing this country is a nightmare that everyone wants to point blame for, but not take resposability for. We all are responsible Republicans,Democrats, Independants the House, the Senate, Joe the plumber, you, me everyone. No one did anything to stop the uncontolled lending or spending that led to this crisis. When the first wave hit and the candidates were campaigning Obama did nothing. McCain at least suspended his campaign to go back to the Senate to try to fix the problem. Was it a political stunt? Of course, but at least he tried to show that he was doing something. What else did you expect from Obama? That he was going to stop primping and being two sided for the camera and voters to run back to the Senate? He probably doesn't know how to get to the senate by himself since he's only spent one hundred and fourty four days out of four years actually voting in the Senate. He has done nothing to warrant this Nomination. Just because Hollywood and the Liberal media is fed up with the Bush Administration and the want to blindely put their faith in a man who has no known major accomplishments in the Senate or even at a local level, and who they think is the second coming of J.F.K., one does not deserve a Presidential Nomination. Lighting doesn't strike twice for a candidate, i didn't know John Kennedy, but you sir Obama, are no John Kennedy. Youre just a good Bullshitter with charisma who can work the crowd and make them think you are more than your supposed to be. This is America the land of chances and dreams and EVERYONE, Mr. Obama included has the right to make a better living and chase the American Dream. Just do it truthfully and without trying to hide who you really are. When President Bush ran for office the first time we knew that he had a drug and drinking problem at one time and he admitted it and did interveiws on it. When asked about his affiliations with Ayers, Rev.Wright,Father Flagler, ACORN, etc. It's always a new and eloquent answer full of the same old crap as always. Just tell the truth sir. My five year old knows that when you get caught doing something it's better to tell the truth and move on than trying to keep all the lies straight.

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