Thursday, July 31, 2008

This Crazy Election.

In this time of electorial sparring, we are bombarded with ads, soundbites, and things we are told we need or to do to make america better. The truth is however that America is in need of nothing but the truth.
This my friends is the only thing that can keep us America. I need to know how i'm gonna feed my family with gas and dairy prices soaring, i can't afford to drive to work or to buy milk or eggs for my kids. I need to know how i can get my children the check-ups the need for school without any health care. I need to know howcome i live in an 80 apartment complex and 60 of those have illiegal immigrants living in them with 5 or 6 people in one apartment, and the cops won't do anything about them. The authorities say that they can only report them to ICE, only if they commit a felony. I thought the whole definition of "illegal", was and is , "NOT LEGAL", "against the law" "wrong". I need to know how my child is supposed to afford college when she is gonna have to work full time just to help me pay for it, and even then i'll be in debt even more than i am now.

What i don't need from Politicians, is to tell me how my tax dollars provide them with free gas for the cars they are chauffered around in. How their kids get to go to college because they know the dean or sit on some council. I don't need to feed 8million africans or sudanese with my tax dollars, i need to feed my family first. I don't need to send a dollar a day to some third world country for medicine, when i can't afford to pay for my own medical bills.

I thought this election is for The Presidency of The United States of America, Not Berlin, or Afghanastan. Why is Senator Obama traveling to Isreal.Germany,Etc. when he should be here trying to convince me that he's done something more than give a speech at a Democratic Convention and is running only because he's popular and in good favor with Celebrities.

Speaking of, Do i really need to know what Susan Surandon, Sean Penn, Tim Robinns, or any other actor has to say about politics. They would make excellent politicians themselves, after all acting is looking someone in the eye and convincing them you are some one else and that what you say is true. If they are so worried about the state of America, why don't they run for local office or start a food drive, pay someones mortgage who is deserving, pay for gas for a familly for a month or buy groceries or medication for the elderly. Not go on television and tell me how much they hate George Bush, while they travel to known terrorist countries and speak with their leaders. Why don't they reqeust to see our President and discuss the issues with him personally and privately.

And since when did the Presidency become so riduculed, that the media, T.V. and newspaper, not refer to the President as Mr.President or President Bush, but call him in articles as simply George Bush. No matter what you think of the sitting President, the Office and the institution that is the Presidency is to be respected and admired. Not to denegrade at every turn.
The people that do so are glad they live in a country where they can critisize the President without fear of reprisal, yet do nothing to better the situation than to point out his shortcomings or flaws.
Well every one of them has and no one is better than the other. It's not like they won the Nobel Peace prize or bettered humanity in any way other than acting or singing.

And finally the war in Iraq maybe was a mistake, or ill planned. But to all those people out there who are yelling bring our troops home and we have no buisness over may be reminded that all the soldiers in that military are volunteers and are proud to be fighting for freedom and democracy. And to Miss Cindy Sheehan, condolences for the loss of your son, but again he volunteered. You had no problem with this when the Army was going to pay for his college, or give hime 10 grand in enlistment bonus. You met with the President once afterward, you didn't like what he had to say so you crusaded so vigoursly to bash him in the press about an unjust war, that coincedently your son volunteered for and took an oath to defend this country against ALL enemies Foreign and Domestic. And as i recall on Sept. 11th thats exactly who attacked, Foreign Enemys.

Untill next time, Love your country and please Politicians answer my questions.

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