Thursday, October 23, 2008


It's an issue thats as sticky and trying as any there ever has been. Everyone on both sides of the argument has some valid thoughts and ideas. Here is a new idea that i think can help, ENFORCE THE LAW! If you are here illeagaly, your breaking the law. Now some people will say that it's not that simple, YES it is. In this country anytime you are caught breaking the law you go to jail, or court, or probation. So whats the difference here, votes ladies and gents, votes. The politicians, especially the ones from California, Arizona, Texas and the other border states want their votes. In a time where every little thing is broken down to statistics or polls and is counted and the outcome is pretty much already known, the one unknown is that you can have an extra twelve million votes that aren't counted for in the census or polls or stat boards.
The illieagals organize a march or rally, they get permits for these marches and rally's wich means they have to apply for them at their local goverment institutions. So when they apply for them the local mayor or sherriff knows they are illeagal, but doesn't arrest them. When some four to seven million illeagals march on Washington or in California or Arizona, get every law enforcment officer, local and govermental and arrest their butts! It's that simple.
The ONLY thing stopping that is that the politicians don't want to look like Nazi Gestapo and do a mass round up. The Illeagals will holler that it's racial or discrimanatory, but in reallity it's the law. Noew I live in a complex where out of the eighty units available for rent or sale sixty of those are occupied by Illeagalls. Everytime i go to the store, to my sons school, even in jail there are illeagals everywhere you look. In a time when the police have the probable cause to pull you over for questioning just for looking suspiciouse, you would think that six male latinos living in a two bedroom hose or apartment would look suspicous. Everytime i walk out the door with my fourteen year old daughter they are outside with their cars on blocks, hood up drinking cervezas at ten in the morning oogling my daughter. Now the local police where i live know these guys are illeagal because i've talked with them when they patrol through my complex, and they do nothing. The say that unless one committs a felony their hands are tied. I'm sorry, are you not the police? Is it not your job to "protect and serve"? Are you not the ones charged with upholding the laws and arresting the law breakers?
Any time i go down the highway at sixty miles an hour and i pass a cop and he makes a u-turn and chases me down for not wearing a seatbelt i get a ticket and have to go to court. Now if those same police have good enough eye sight to see me not wearing a seat belt at sixty miles an hour, then you'd figure they can spot twelve Mexicans riding in a car drinking or living in a two bedroom apartment. But i digress, the simple point is people, that the law is the law no matter who you are or how many votes you can delevier. Instead of The Congress taking four week vacations, and passing more laws that abridge my constitutional rights, how about they enforce the constitution they swore to uphold and defend. Arrest ANYONE breaking the law and the problem is solved. If they don't have enough manpower to track down and detain illeagal immigrants, give me a call i know at least two hundred volunteers that would gladly help in the process.

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